Welcome to the FocusCast, today we’re talking about a little thing called the growth mindset. Ohhh nice bro, you know I love me some internet buzzwords. You definitely see this popping up more especially in the entrepreneur space. Growth vs fixed mindset definitely seems like a cheese break room motivation poster but lets dissect this and see if we can get some helpful nuggets of information.  Let's dig in...

00:00 Intro to the Growth Mindset
00:43 Intro to the Podcast
01:26 Growth Mindset Defined
03:00 Fixed Mindset Defined
06:00 Misconception on Growth Mindset
06:50 It is not black and white, we are a mixture of both
10:30 Focused on Mindset & Outcomes
12:10 The desire to look smart is a fixed mindset
16:20 Solution to increasing Growth Mindset
19:30 You can learn from everyone
20:00 Excerpt from Carols Dweck Book 




  • So today we’re discussing growth vs fixed mindset. American psychologist Carol Dweck known for her work on motivation and mindset really coined the term growth mindset. 
  • Growth Mindset Summary: Individuals who believe their talents can be developed (through hard work, good strategies, and input from others) have a growth mindset 
  • Bro, that sounds like a great place to be as an entrepreneur since you are learning so many new skills constantly. What’s the opposite of growth mindset because that sounds like it would be a fucking problem.
  • Fixed Mindset Summary: Those who hold a fixed mindset believe that they are either good or bad at something based on their inherent nature. For instance, someone with a fixed mindset might say “I’m a natural at (whatever)r” or “I’m just no good at (whatever),” believing that their athletic skills can’t be developed

Misconception on Growth Mindset: Harvard Business Review 

  • I already have, and have always had, a growth mindset. People often confuse a growth mindset with being flexible or open-minded or having a positive outlook — qualities they believe they’ve always had. 
  • Everyone is a combination of both mindsets
  • “A growth mindset is just about praising and rewarding effort”. This isn’t true for students in schools, and it’s not true for employees in organizations. In both settings, outcomes matter. Unproductive effort is never a good thing. It’s critical to reward not just effort but learning and progress, and to emphasize the processes that yield these things, such as seeking help from others, trying new strategies, and capitalizing on setbacks to move forward effectively.

Problems with Fixed Mindset

  • Intelligence is static. This can lead to the desire to look smart which will make you
  • Avoid Challenges
  • Give up easier
  • See effort as pointless
  • Ignore useful feedback
  • Feel threatened by success of others


  • Growth mindset leads to a desire to learn which helps with
  • Embracing Challenges
  • Persistent during setbacks
  • Seeing effort as a path to mastery
  • Learn from mistakes and criticism 
  • Find lessons and inspiration in success of others
  • (Exerp from Carols Dwecks book: Mindset)[W]e can praise wisely, not praising intelligence or talent. That has failed. Don’t do that anymore. But praising the process that kids engage in: their effort, their strategies, their focus, their perseverance, their improvement. This process praise creates kids who are hardy and resilient.

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