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#66 Processed Sugars & Focus
#66 Processed Sugars & Focus
Apr 20, 2023
If you want to accomplish your dreams or grow your company to $100M, being aware of your sugar intake may be a critical step. Sugar has a major impact on our brain function, and overall mental health. And it turns out, we are at war with the sugar industry. Today we will share with you some dirty little (not so secret) tricks the sugar industry played on the narrative, our over consumption of sugar, and what we can do TODAY to increase our focus.
#65 Water Balance & Focus
#65 Water Balance & Focus
Apr 13, 2023
Welcome to the FocusCast, today we’re talking about your body's water balance, hydration and cognitive performance. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated, which has a significant impact on your ability to focus. Today we break down and create some guides for your water balance and focus… let’s dig in. 
#64 Self Care & Focus
#64 Self Care & Focus
Apr 06, 2023
Entrepreneurship and Self Care Bro,  does it feel like we live in a self care...
#63 Guest Episode with Massage Therapist/Healer Alex Stadler
#63 Guest Episode with Massage Therapist/Healer Alex Stadler
Mar 30, 2023
Welcome to the FocusCast, today our guest is Alex Stadler, a 6 figure massage therapist. This is not just ANY cookie cutter massage therapy as Alex combines myofascial release, kinesiology, muscle testing, education and what he calls deep listening to provide unparalleled healing and therapy.  Alex is full of amazing insights as we shed light on his business and eventually dive into deeper topics such as trauma, hate, anger, attachments and many more.   Let's welcome our guest… 
#62 Entrepreneurship, Loneliness & Focus
#62 Entrepreneurship, Loneliness & Focus
Mar 23, 2023
Social media and the internet love to romanticize being an entrepreneur, but guess what conveniently gets overlooked? Loneliness. Weather you’re just starting out or trying to make payroll for 500 people, loneliness is something MANY entrepreneurs feel at some point on their never ending journey. On this episode we’re talking about the parts of entrepreneurship you don’t see glamorized. 
#61 Growth Mindset & Focus
#61 Growth Mindset & Focus
Mar 16, 2023
Welcome to the FocusCast, today we’re talking about a little thing called the growth mindset. Ohhh nice bro, you know I love me some internet buzzwords. You definitely see this popping up more especially in the entrepreneur space. Growth vs fixed mindset definitely seems like a cheese break room motivation poster but lets dissect this and see if we can get some helpful nuggets of information.  Let's dig in...
#60 Delegation, Trust & Focus
#60 Delegation, Trust & Focus
Mar 09, 2023
You know what founders struggle with bro? Delegation. Letting go. Can one person do it all? Absolutely not. If you delegated more, you would make more money, be happier, and people would probably like you more. Whoa, that sounds obvious, so why don’t people delegate… let’s dig in.